Incubation Policy
January 2024
Our biggest victory is your success

Definition of a Start-up ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
ABOUT INCUBATION CENTER .................................................................................................................................... 3
VISION: ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
MISSION: ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
INCUBATION POLICY AND GUIDELINES ................................................................................................................. 4
SCOPE- ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
1. THRUST AREAS- ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
2. ELIGIBILITY- ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1. For Pre-incubation- ........................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2. For Incubation and Virtual incubation- ........................................................................................................... 5
3. SELECTION CRITERIA- ........................................................................................................................................... 6
4. ADMISSION PROCEDURE ....................................................................................................................................... 7
5. SERVICES PROVIDED BY HPGIF .......................................................................................................................... 8
6. PERIOD OF INCUBATION- ...................................................................................................................................... 8
6.1. Exit- .................................................................................................................................................................... 8
7. PERIODIC ASSESSMENT- ....................................................................................................................................... 9
8. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ................................................................................................................................. 10
9. SEED FUNDING- ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
10. CONSIDERATION- ........................................................................................................................................ 11
11. AGREEMENTS- .............................................................................................................................................. 11
12. Credit System……………………………………………………………………………………………………….12
POINT OF CONTACT ................................................................................................................................................... 143

Definition of a Start-up

As per the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry,
Government of India notification vide No. 236 dated 11 April 2018, an entity shall be considered as a
Start-up when:

A. An entity is working towards innovation, development, or improvement of products or processes
or services, or if it is a scalable business model with a high potential of employment generation
or wealth creation. Provided that an entity formed by splitting up or reconstruction of an existing
business shall not be considered a ‘Start-up’; and

B. Turnover of the entity for any of the financial years since incorporation/ registration has not
exceeded INR 25 crores; and

C. Up to a period of seven years from the date of incorporation/registration, if it is incorporated as
a private limited company (as defined in the Companies Act, 2013) or registered as a partnership
firm (registered under section 59 of the Partnership Act, 1932) or a limited liability partnership
(under the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008) in India. In the case of Start-up in the
biotechnology sector, the period shall be upto ten years from the date of its incorporation/
registration; and


Incubation center at Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi (MGKVP) (hereinafter to be referred
to as Har Prasad Gupt Incubation Foundation (HPGIF)) has been incorporated under section 8 of the
Companies Act, 2013. HPGIF aids students, alumni, and entrepreneurs from the university, its affiliated
colleges, as well as institutes from all parts of the state, with their ideas and venture plans. HPGIF invite
innovative ideas and incubate, nurture, and hold their hands till they are able to sustain and excel. An
entrepreneurial environment is provided with culture of collaboration. HPGIF guide and help aspirants
to prepare the business plan and help them present their startup on the appropriate platform so that
financial help may be received from various government and private agencies/promoters.


MGKVP has always adopted an inclusive approach in terms of knowledge dissemination in the region, The Incubation centre is also poised to take the same route and provide a credible and result oriented platform to Ideas and Venture Plans into great success, originated by the Students, Educators, Entrepreneurs and Innovators from all walks of life.
Kashi has always been known as hub of knowledge and has produced numerous renowned scholars, Attaining the same ancient glory is the vision of the Incubation Centre.


Developing a culture of innovative thinking through demonstrated leadership in the region. Establishing HPGIF as a single point Start Up facilitator in the region. Including NGOs and Societies to spread the cause amongst the youth.
Conducting periodical awareness program both online and offline.


HPGIF wishes to facilitate the creation of ideas and inventions that benefit society. The scope of this
document is to define the policies and procedures for the operational matters related to the HPGIF The
policy is subject to periodical review and amendments. It will be the responsibility of the startups
admitted to HPGIF to update themselves from time to time on amendments in Incubation policy and
procedures. HPGIF reserves the rights to make an exception of all or any of the terms of policy for a
particular company or a promoter on a case-to-case basis.


Applications are accepted online or in person for three major incubation programmes:

1) Pre-Incubation
2) Incubation
3) Virtual Incubation (for companies located outside the MGKVP campus)

It covers the following aspects:

1. Thrust Areas
2. Eligibility
3. Selection criteria
4. Admission procedure
5. Services provided by HPGIF
6. Period of Incubation
7. Periodic assessment
8. Intellectual Property
9. Seed funding
10. Consideration
11. Agreements


Different Sectors where incubation can be provided are among, but not limited to:
 Economics, Banking and Finance

 Renewable Energy Technology
 Food Technology and Processing
 Automation Technology
 Material Engineering
 Agriculture Sciences
 Hotel Management and Tourism
 Electrical and Electronics
 Architecture
 Computer Service & Info-Tech
 Water Resource Engineering and Management
 Agro-Technology and Allied sectors
 Social Work
 Other emerging areas or of social / national importance


2.1. For Pre-incubation-
Only students, staffs, alumni, teachers or persons associated through extension services of the
college desirous of availing pre-incubation facilities has to apply by downloading “CRUX App”
from or HPGIF official website (instruction are given there) in the prescribed

The pre-incubatee will be encouraged to contribute business ideas through CRUX App to foster
the business idea. Once the business idea is qualified to become a start-up it can opt for Incubation
or Virtual Incubation services.

2.2. For Incubation and Virtual incubation-
Any one desirous of availing incubation facilities has to incorporate as a private limited company
(as defined in the Companies Act, 2013) or registered as a partnership firm (registered under
section 59 of the Partnership Act, 1932) or a limited liability partnership (under the Limited
Liability Partnership Act, 2008) in India.

The applicant for Incubation Program can be a start-up formed by an individual entrepreneur or
group of entrepreneurs that have not incorporated under either of the legal entities. In such cases
an application may be made in the names of all promoters/founders of the start-up. However, if
selected for the Incubation Program, the promoters/founders of the start-up must ensure that their

start-up is incorporated under either of the legal entities within a period of three months from the
date of signing of the incubation agreement with the HPGIF.

2.2.1. Eligibility Criteria:
a. The incorporated start-up must not be older than 7 years from the date of registration/

company incorporation.
b. The incorporated start-up’s annual turnover (as defined in the Companies Act, 2013) in any

preceding financial year must not exceed ₹ 100 crore.
c. The incorporated start-up must not be formed by splitting up, or reconstruction, of a business

already in existence.
d. The incorporated start-ups must not be working as a Proprietorship Company or Public

Limited Company.
e. The incorporated start-up must be working towards development of innovative products/

processes/services and must have a scalable business model with a high potential of
employment generation or wealth creation.

 The startup or innovation promoted by faculties of MGKVP shall be governed by MGKVP and

approved by the HPGIF. Companies that are promoted by students of MGKVP shall not be
offered incubation if student is holding executive position, however companies promoted by
students are eligible to apply for incubation, provided, the student is not actively to be engaged
with the company beyond any engagement which may be permitted by the Institute.

 Regular teachers, professors, or staffs shall be offered incubation only upon submission of 'No
Objection Certificate' from the competent authority of the University.

 Any company that is engaged or is proposing to be engaged in activities that are in conflict with
the university, like imparting educational courses and/or training programs including vocational
trainings or is planning to undertake such activities during the incubation period shall require
explicit permission from the university. Upon Institutes’ expressed approval, such companies
shall be offered incubation.


A start-up applying to the Incubation/Virtual Incubation Program at HPGIF will be selected based
on following criteria:

 The start-up must have developed a Proof-of-Concept (PoC), business framework, business
plan and started using performance matrix through CRUX App;

 The start-up must be working on an innovative idea/technology/product/service in one of the
thrust areas;

 The start-up that is willing to pursue the Incubation Program full time with no other
concurrent commitments during incubation period;

 The start-up that will preferably have a market ready prototype or PoC, or willing to commit
to convert their idea into prototype during the tenure of the Pre-incubation Program;

 The start-up that has a strong business proposal, can confidently pitch to investors and raise
funds, can be scaled up and become self-sustainable in 6 – 12 months’ time.

 The start-up that offers technology enabled solutions with a social and strategic impact.
 The start-up that has a potential for large resource generation and can create an impact value

and visibility for HPGIF.
 The start-up that is incorporated under either of the legal entities namely, private limited

company, partnership fir, limited liability partnership, will have to meet the following
additional criteria:
 At least 51% of the start-up company should be owned by Indian nationals (directly or

 The start-up company has to ensure they have all required intellectual property rights

(if applicable), including any technology license or patent assignment, to take the
technology ahead. The start-up company may also be required to ensure that they will
have Freedom to Operate.

 A start-up applying for the incubation program at HPGIF, it will not be considered for
incubation if the proposed idea/ innovation/ technology or business plan falls under
following conditions:
 Start-ups proposing products, services or processes which lack novelty with no or limited

incremental value;
 Start-ups have been formed by splitting up or reconstruction of a business already in

 Start-ups with proposals that do not have potential for commercialization, or Start-ups

proposing products, services or processes with no differentiation factor;
 Start-ups with proposals those are not scalable and sustainable.


i. Submit an e-application form provided at official website or in person.
ii. Screening by HPGIF Committee (Proposals are examined with attention to financial,

technical and social impact parameters)
iii. Qualified/ shortlisted Start-ups will enter in an agreement with HPGIF
iv. Agreement executed to formally commence incubation at HPGIF


Following are the services the HPGIF provides:

 Air-conditioned co-working space and facilities for operations
 Legal Support
 Secretarial Support
 Intellectual Property Protection Support
 Technology Support
 Accounting Support
 Business Mentoring
 High-Speed Internet
 Cafeteria with complementary tea & coffee
 Industry Connect
 Investors Connect
 Counselling & Guidance


Pre-incubated startup will be permitted to stay in the incubator for a period of maximum 3 months.
Additional two months extension may be granted at the sole discretion of HPGIF depending upon
the performance of startup. Further, incubated startup (physical or virtual) will be permitted to work
at HPGIF for a period of maximum one year. Maximum two extensions may be granted for 6 months,
each at a time, at the sole discretion of the HPGIF.

6.1. Exit-
An incubated startup may be asked to leave HPGIF under the following circumstances:

i. Completion of period of incubation as per agreement (if not extended); or
ii. Underperformance or non-viability of business proposition as decided by Internal Review

Committee (IRC) of HPGIF on case-to-case basis; or
iii. When the annual turnover of the company exceeds INR 100 cr., or as stated by the

Government of India; or
iv. By mutual consent of both the parties; or
v. Irresolvable promoter’s disputes as decided by HPGIF on a case-to-case basis; or

vi. Violation of the policy of MGKVP or HPGIF; or
vii. When the company enters in an acquisition, merger or amalgamation or reorganization deal

resulting in a substantial change in the profile of the company, its promoters, directors,
shareholders, products or business plan; or

viii. Change in promoters'/ founders' team without concurrence of HPGIF; or
ix. Any other reason for which HPGIF or the university may find it necessary for an incubated

company to leave.

Notwithstanding anything written elsewhere, HPGIF’s decision in connection with the exit of an
incubated company/startup shall be final and shall not be disputed by any company/startup.

Periodic assessment would be carried out by IRC and vary depending on the stage of incubation of
the startup. The incubated startup has to submit a yearly audited statement of profit and loss account
and unaudited quarterly statement about the activities. Notwithstanding, pre-incubated startup has
to submit quarterly performance review report. Additionally, incubatee may be asked to provide
more frequent updates to HPGIF.
Some representative criteria for evaluation are as follows:

(a) Ideation / Innovation stage
 Background of entrepreneurs/ team
 Concept development / Opportunity spotting
 Product Development
 Market assessment / Competition analysis
 First level Business Planning / Business Modelling
 Intellectual Property Protection
 Seed Funding

(b) Pre-Market Stage
 PoC/ Prototyping
 Product Development and enhancement
 Financial Health
 Test marketing

 Full scale business planning including production, sales and sourcing
(c) Implementation Stage
 Full scale Business Planning
 Pitching for Venture Funding
 Scaling up operations
 Large scale commercialization
 Team Formation

(d) Exit stage
 Going National / Global
 Exit options for HPGIF
 Full scale business Graduation
 Post incubation Survival

NOTE, Compliances as laid down by the Companies Act 2013 are binding on the incubated
promoters. Incubated companies must submit a quarterly report on the compliances adhered as laid
down in the Act.

FURTHER, non-compliance of the same would make companies liable for penalty. Strict actions
may be taken by the HPGIF are mentioned hereforth-

 Non-adherence to the first warning of the non-compliance by the said Incubated Company
will attract penalty of Rs. 1000 which will be billed with the facilities due.

 An action against the non-adherence to the second warning by the Incubated Company will
make the incubatee ineligible to apply for any kind of fundings at HPGIF.

 An action against the non-adherence to the third warning in the form of notice to vacate the
premises allotted to them and may result in end of incubation services.

HPGIF helps start-ups with getting intellectual property rights for their unique and innovative
product/services. In addition, HPGIF encourage young and other aspiring entrepreneurs to bring in
new ideas to build products and solutions using the latest and emerging technologies, file for patents,
trademark, and Copyright protection which will be jointly owned between the entrepreneurs and


9.1. HPGIF aids incubate(s) in getting seed fund/loan subject to the availability of funds/ grants/
schemes meant for this purpose. Seed fund/loan may be sanctioned only to the registered
companies and shall be based on merits of each company. Further, admission to HPGIF shall
not automatically entitle the promoters to seed fund/loan.

9.2. A promoter desirous of getting seed fund/loan may submit an application for seed fund after
three months from the date of admission in HPGIF. Sanction of seed loan will be decided
based on the eligibility criteria as decided by HPGIF. Information regarding available seed
fund/loan will be provided only to the incubated startups.

9.3. HPGIF will have sole discretion to sanction or reject an application for seed loan and the
decision of HPGIF in this regard shall be final. HPGIF is not bound to give any reason in case
an application for seed loan is rejected.

9.4. Though seed funding may be sanctioned at the time of approval of the proposal, disbursement
shall be subject to satisfaction of IRC, that suitable progress has been made.

9.5. Notwithstanding anything contrary contained herein the Seed fund sanction and disbursal
shall be governed by governing council of HPGIF.

HPGIF will charge for infrastructure and services from the incubated startups while pre-incubation
facilities are free of cost. This payment would be in the form of service charges and equity share as per
following details:

 For physical incubation- Recommended fee of INR 3000 per incubate per month for 2 seats

occupancy and 2 to 9.5 percent equity (subject to approval of governing council of HPGIF, fee
may be reduced or waived-off based on status of applicant);

 For Women entrepreneurs and Differently abled entrepreneurs- Recommended fee of INR 2000
per incubate per month for 2 seats occupancy and 2 to 9.5 percent equity (subject to approval of
governing council of HPGIF, fee may be reduced or waived-off based on status of applicant);

 For virtual incubation- Recommended fee of INR 5000 per incubate per month and 2 to 9.5
percent equity (subject to the approval of governing council of HPGIF, the fee may be reduced or
waived-off based on the status of the applicant).

However, HPGIF may at its discretion revise the rates from time to time.

All incubate shall enter into following agreements as per decided after discussion with governing

council of HPGIF:
i. Incubation agreement with HPGIF: Containing rules and other incubation norms, consideration,

equity holding, etc. (Applicable to all except pre-incubated startups)
ii. Seed-Fund/loan agreement with HPGIF: Containing rules of disbursement and repayment.

(Applicable to incubated startup/company availing seed-fund/loan)
iii. Technology commercialization agreement with HPGIF: Applicable to incubate using

technology or IP developed by HPGIF.
iv. Rent agreement with HPGIF: Containing discounted rental rates for the Incubation premises,

infrastructure and facilities. Each successful applicant, admitted as a resident member of the
Incubator, will have to pay INR *** per square feet per month, as rent for the office space. The
utilization charges will be subject to enhancement every two (2) years.

v. Equity share agreement with HPGIF and/or any third party consultant: Containing the terms and
conditions for the incubatee. The incubatee shall be required to share the profits (minimum of 5%
of the profits after tax) and 6-8% of the equity, as negotiated between incubatee and HPGIF or
third party consultant for proper handholding of the Incubatee.


HPGIF is not only focusses on StartUps and StartUp eco system, HPGIF realizes its wider responsibility
towards employment and employability.
HPGIF is introducing a credit system which will enhance the critical thinking and employability of the
students of MGKVP.

 Maximum 120 Credits can be earned
 120 Credits are worth a degree course
 Every activity is defined and elaborated as skill sets, aptitude and capabilities to the

employers (when student applies for a job). The elaborated definitions will also explain
what benefits will an employer get by hiring a candidate having HPGIF Credits.

SR No. Activity Process Validation Credits
1 Submission of a ‘viable’ Business Idea When contributor is only submitting the Business Idea and he/she is not either will to or equipped to undertake the whole project as startup, but he /she can share the whole concept to anyone who can seriously undertake the whole concept and build a startup around the same. The contributor will be named as he person behind the StartUp and can ask for equity at mutual terms. The Business Idea has to be submitted either through or CRUX android app Detailed “Proof of Concept”, “Business Framework”,“Business Plan” is to be submitted. Rafts and Rivers (Consultants) will validate the ‘viability’ of the Business Idea
Certificate and documentation will be published by HPGIF on its website.
2 Submission of a ‘viable’ Business Idea and ready to undertake it as a startup after “pre-incubation program” Contributor is willing to work as a Co-founder and chief enabler under the guidance of Incubation program. The Business Idea has to be submitted either through or CRUX android app
Detailed “Proof of Concept”, “Business Framework”, “Business Plan” is to be submitted.
Rafts and Rivers (Consultants) will validate the ‘viability’ of the Business Idea
Certificate and documentation will be published by HPGIF on its website.
3 A student is willing to contribute his/her skills as a “co-creator” of startup but not in capacity of a founder or cofounder.
He/she can be given equity based on mutual consent and after quantify his/her contribution.
Student will use “Profile Building Module” on or CRUX android app Rafts and Rivers (Consultants) will validate the skill set/s.
Certificate and documentation will be published by
4 student who is convinced with a “viable” Business Idea and willing to be a co-founder.
He/she is willing to bring in a capital/resources (proportionate to the equity share at pre money valuation)
Student will use “Profile Building Module” on or CRUX android app Rafts and Rivers (Consultants) will validate the arrangements. Certificate and documentation will be published by HPGIF on its website. 40


For queries, feedback and discussions about Incubation Center please contact:

Prof. Mohammad Arif
(Executive Director)

Contact Number: 9415505825

Email Id:

Address: Station Road, Maldahiya Crossing,

Maldahiya, Kashi Vidyapith,
Chetganj, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221002